Programming and coding both can be used interchangeably. Programming is the process of using a computer to implement a solution to a problem. Coding is one of the programming languages used for this purpose. A programmer writes code in one or more programming languages and compiles it into machine language instructions that can be executed by a computer processor. But, let’s dive deeper into this.

Programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, and debugging computer programs. It is a type of problem solving activity.
It can be applied to many different types of things (algorithms, models, processes).
Coding is the act of writing a programming language, which is a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Coding is used by programmers to create software and websites, while programming languages are used by developers as well as coders, who are often designers or artists too.
Coding can be taught in many ways: online, through books and tutorials on YouTube or Code Academy, or in person at meetups for women interested in learning more about coding. But no matter how you decide to learn it—whether it’s from scratch or through an existing framework like JavaScript—the most important thing is that you keep trying!
Programming or Coding? Is it the same?

Programming is the process of designing and writing code, while coding is the act of writing source code. These two terms are often used interchangeably because they can refer to the same thing. However, it’s important to understand that there’s a difference between the two terms because they describe different aspects of computer programming.
The word “programming” has been around since before computers were invented, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that “coding” came into use as a way for programmers to think about their work through another lens: mathematics.
Programming and coding both can be used interchangeably
Programmers and coders alike have a lot of questions about the difference between programming and coding. As a programmer, you may be wondering if your knowledge of any programming language makes you a coder. Or perhaps you’re wondering if knowing how to code means that you are also capable of writing high-level programs that do not require much detailed logic or syntax.
Coding refers to the process of writing code in one or more programming languages to create software applications for computers or other devices. Programming is an activity involving designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining source code that uses one or more programming languages (AP).

Programming and coding both refer to using programming languages that allow you to create software. The difference between them is that programming is about writing code for a purpose, while coding is more about learning how computers work so that we can manipulate them. Ultimately though, both terms are used interchangeably.